Filming Permit in Cappadocia and Turkey

Turkey resembles a quality film set due to its diverse climate, colorful geography, rich culture and diverse resources. However, producers, directors and companies who want to make movies in Turkey need to obtain a Legal Permit. It is legal filming permit. 

There are various important filming permits and laws for those who want to make films and productions in Turkey. Fixer in Turkey Nuri Çorbacıoğlu is authorized to carry out filming permit procedures in Cappadocia and Turkey.

Obtain A Film Permit

Turkey resembles a quality film set due to its diverse climate, colourful geography, rich culture and diverse resources. However, producers, directors, and companies that want to make movies in Cappadocia and Turkey must obtain a film permit.  It is a filming permit. 

There are various important film permits, filming permits, and laws for those who want to make films and productions in Turkey. Photography Artist, Director, Producer and Tourism Expert, Fixer in Turkey Nuri Çorbacıoğlu is authorized to carry out Legal Permit, and filming permit procedures in Cappadocia and Turkey.

How to Get a Film Permit in Cappadocia and Turkey?

Foreign producers, directors and companies wishing to obtain a film permit in Cappadocia and Turkey must first apply to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey for a filming permit.

Foreign producers, directors and companies can apply for different types of productions such as documentaries, feature films, TV series, short films, video clips or commercials.

Photography Artist, Director, Producer and Tourism Expert Nuri Çorbacıoğlu is experienced and specialized in these film permits bureaucratic application procedures.

Nuri Çorbacıoğlu facilitates your work and solves many problems that you see as a big burden in a short time and easily.

According to the laws of the Republic of Turkey, foreign producers, directors and companies wishing to film in Turkey must employ at least one host who is a citizen of the Republic of Turkey.

The host guides foreign producers, directors and companies during the filming process and ensures that local regulations are met, facilitating their work and transactions.

Since the host needs of foreign producers, directors and companies are important, working with an expert, experienced, talented, competent and most importantly, someone with a Host Certificate will save you a lot of money.

Nuri Çorbacıoğlu is one of the few official hosts in Turkey with these qualities.

When you work with someone who is not an expert, experienced, skilled, or competent with a Concierge Certificate, you will have to walk in the dark without a light.

You will not be able to get permission from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey, and an inexperienced host who does not know the subject and the locality will make your filming job even more difficult.

Nuri Çorbacıoğlu is authorized to obtain a film permit and is a Legal Host Certificate and authorized by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

The Legal Host Certificate, which is critical for film permits and legal filming permit transactions, ensures that the shooting operations are carried out within the framework of the rules of law by the laws and regulations.

Nuri Çorbacıoğlu is one of the very few experts in overcoming Filming Permit issues and is a holder and authorized holder of a Legal Concierge Certificate.

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism has introduced some filming permit requirements for work related to film or production operations. This requires effective and competent local support, such as Nuri Çorbacıoğlu, to carry out the mandatory procedures.

Filming Permits and Regulations

To make a movie, any local or foreign person, director, film company, director and producer in Turkey must first obtain a film Permit from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey.

The film permits regulates the locations and areas where filming will take place.

Which Documents are Required to Filming Permit?

To obtain a film permit, your application to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism is made on your behalf by Nuri Çorbacıoğlu, Fixer in Turkey, Cappadocia in Fixer Official.

Work Film Permits

If foreign actors or crew members will be working in the movie in Turkey, obtaining a film permit for these people is also necessary.

This film permits your cast and crew members to regulate their right to work in Turkey. It is necessary to apply to the Turkish Employment Agency for a Legal Permit.

Nuri Çorbacıoğlu, the holder of the Legal Host Certificate issued by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, will apply for your film permit to the Turkish Employment Agency.

Obtaining a film permit will provide great convenience and pave your way.

Copyrights and Licenses

You should pay attention to copyrights for the music, photographs, texts and other materials you will use in your movie in Turkey.

You must obtain copyright licenses without violating copyrights in the film you will make. In addition to copyright licenses, you will also need to obtain copyright usage rights.

Nuri Çorbacıoğlu, your legally certified host, easily handles obtaining a copyright license.

Tax Regulations

During and during filming and production in Turkey, income tax, VAT and other tax obligations will arise. You should consider these obligations.

Since tax is considered sacred in Turkey, any disruption and misapplication in this regard will result in unlawful transactions. Moreover, you can also benefit from support and incentives.

Working with tax advisors to ensure that tax transactions are carried out by laws, rules and regulations, Mihmandar Nuri Çorbacıoğlu provides you with assistance in tax matters.

Film Permits

If your film shootings will take place in private or public areas. It is necessary to obtain a legal permit from the municipality, district governorship or governorships within the borders of the area planned to be used.

You are required to obtain a Filming Permit from the highest local authority of the local neighbourhood where the shooting will take place and from the relevant public institution where special permission is required.

Nuri Çorbacıoğlu and his team are legally authorized to carry out the host services and can obtain a film permit from the municipalities in time.

Occupational Safety and Health Regulations

Film sets also involve some risks during film shootings. Unfortunately, unwanted and unexpected accidents and injuries can occur on movie sets.

Occupational safety and health measures must be taken to prevent kinds of accidents and injuries and to create safer movie sets.

Actors and crew members working on film sets should have the ease of working by occupational health and safety laws because they labour.

You can work with Nuri Çorbacıoğlu as a guide to get the necessary information and fulfil the requirements for occupational health and safety on your movie sets.

You can also facilitate your work and transactions by enlisting the help of a professional like Nuri Çorbacıoğlu when making movie productions.

Script and Synopsis Submission

Foreign producers, directors and companies must submit the script and synopsis of the filming in Turkish when applying for a filming permit and after the filming is completed.

Film Permits for Foreign Players

We have already mentioned that foreign actors and crew members working in film production in Cappadocia and Turkey must obtain a film permit.

For this, you apply to the Ministry of Labor and Social Security of the Republic of Turkey through the Work Permit Application System (e-Permit). This system can be done with e-Government Password, Mobile Signature, and Electronic Signature.

Nuri Çorbacıoğlu, the holder of the Official Host Certificate, is applying for a Work  Film Permit from the Ministry of Labor and Social Security.

Documents Required for Filming Permit for Foreign Players

Ministry of Culture and Tourism to obtain work filming permits for foreign cast and crew members;

Original and photocopy of passport,

4 passport size photos,

Petition for a work permit,

Residence information of the employer,

A photocopy of the employer's identity card,

A copy of the employer's birth certificate,

The invitation issued by the employer must be given.

During the application process, the filming employer must apply to the Ministry of Labor and Social Security with the reference number obtained from the consulate.

If the documents are complete and correct, the Ministry of Labor and Social Security will finalize your filming permit application in an estimated 30 days.

Legal Concierge Nuri Çorbacıoğlu will follow this process on your behalf and expedite the procedures.

Regulations for Film Production and Fixer in Turkey

Film production and fixer in Turkey must comply with various, laws and regulations. Necessary film permits must be obtained.

These regulations cover the rights and responsibilities of filmmakers, the control of film content and the financing of film production.

Law No. 6360 on Cinema sets out the main elements and general principles of film production, distribution, screening and censorship that cinema activities in Turkey must comply with.

Law No. 5846 on Intellectual and Artistic Works covers the protection of intellectual works, particularly films. It outlines the rights of writers, directors and film producers on their works.

The Turkish Penal Code (TCK) requires compliance with the Turkish Penal Code about the content of films.

In this context, content that may disrupt public order, and incite violence, hatred and discrimination is prohibited.

Furthermore, the provisions of the Turkish Penal Code should be taken into account for the protection of children and the preservation of moral values.

Tax laws also exempt film production from various taxes such as corporate income tax, income tax and VAT.

Together with various laws, the Regulation on the Production and Screening of Motion Pictures describes film production and screening procedures.

The Film Support Fund Regulation also covers the functioning of the fund to provide financial support for the production and distribution of Turkish films.

The Regulation on Foreign Film Production and Screening explains the standards for foreign film production and screening in Turkey.

The Regulation on the Determination and Use of Locations to be Used in the Filming of Motion Pictures contains regulations on the determination of locations to be used in filming and the conditions of use of these locations.

Advertising and Promotion Regulations also regulate the rules to be followed during the advertising and promotion of films.

Advertisements must not be misleading and must not be contrary to public order.

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism is in charge of issuing film permits and licenses.

Additional Regulations for Foreign Producers There are special regulations and incentives for foreign film producers in Turkey.

Foreign producers can apply to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism for the necessary permits and incentives if they wish to shoot a film in Turkey.

They are also encouraged to collaborate with local partners in film shootings in Turkey.

Under Financial Incentives and Supports, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism provides financial support and incentives to encourage film production in Turkey.

In addition to offering financial support to producers, these incentives may also include tax breaks and other fiscal advantages.

Before making a film production, you must fulfill the relevant legal permit procedures and comply with the laws and regulations.  You should contact Nuri Çorbacıoğlu, the Legal Host Certificate Holder. You can visit Nuri Çorbacıoğlu, and consult him by phone and e-mail, as it will be gain you.

Film Production Costs in Turkey

Film production shooting costs for foreign film producers, directors and companies vary depending on the shooting time, locations, script content, richness and other factors. You can consult with your host Nuri Çorbacıoğlu to determine your budget and exchange ideas about the current figures.

Come to Turkey, let's make a great movie together...

Legal Permit to Make a Movie in Turkey
Phone +90 (545) 551 06 50
Cumhuriyet Mah. Atatürk Blv. No: 70/4 Ürgüp / Nevşehir – Turkey